Gebiya Sound Healing Certification Course

A Gebiya Vibrations Sound Healing Certification Course is the perfect place to begin discovering and deepening your practice.
In this course we cover the science, theory and skills needed to be a balanced, knowledgeable and compassionate Sound Healing Practitioner. This course will immerse you in the practice and open you up to the knowledge of true potential Energy Healing.
The Sacred instruments we will be focusing on at this level are Crystal/Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gongs, Drums and Native American Flute (Level Two we brush up on the above as well as HandPan, Shruti Box, Harmonium, Voice and others ...
This transformational program will show you how these instruments can be used to lead a group, private one-on-one sessions and of course self care time.
This Workshop Course is a one day Sound Vibration Journey that will incorporate your own healing experience and enrich your soul, calm your mind and vitalize your body, bringing it all together to create your own Sound Healing toolbox to help yourself and others.
Sound Healing is based on the principle that sound changes consciousness. From relaxation to reduced pain, music and sound healing can help people of all ages achieve better health and wellness. Our hectic lifestyles create stress within us which manifests itself as disease, disorders, mood swings and in ways we are unaware of. Our tendency to ignore these symptoms makes things worse, until one day, we realize that our bodies and our minds are out of balance. Just as musical instruments produce their best music when they are in tune, our bodies and minds become aware and perform their best when they are in tune. This requires periodic tuning of our bodies and minds through certain modalities, practices and consciousness training.
Through Gebiya Vibrations' Sound Healing Certification Course, practitioners learn how to use vibrations from the instruments to stimulate Self-Healing in clients and themselves.

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